Wednesday, October 30, 2013

A New Blog Name for "Our Ordinary Life"

So due to someone else getting a trademark on my old name, Our Ordinary Life, I need to choose something new.  Tom keeps joking that I should rename it "Our Not Extraordinary Life." :-P

I'll admit, I was never crazy about the name of my blog.  It was fairly generic-sounding, and I wasn't sure if it really got across the message I wanted it to.

As I discuss in my very first post about why I decided to start blogging, I know that there are many graces to be had if I learn to just embrace my littleness, and my "ordinary-ness."  I think of myself as sort of a jack-of-all-trades, master of none [what is the female equivalent of a "jack"?  Surely something rather uncomplimentary].  I dabble in various crafts, I can cook decently well, I can pick out a simple song on the piano, but I don't have a particular talent for any of those pursuits.  We will never have a lot of money or go on exciting vacations or have prestigious careers.  We'll probably never be famous or known outside our circle of acquaintances, and this blog will never grow to have much popularity, because I'm just not interested in promoting it.  God willing, I will spend the foreseeable future as "just" a housewife and mother.  Our lives are nothing extraordinary.

And you know what - that's all perfectly fine.  While our lives may seem very common, I know that what my husband and I are doing is actually so important.  Making a home.  Raising children to know and love God.  Creating and restoring valuable traditions.  Learning, growing, and loving together.  Trying to live each day the best we can.

So, welcome my lovely readers, to the same blog but with an updated title/tagline!


I have no header image at the moment, because I need to wait for Tom to help me make a new one later.  We don't have Photoshop or anything similar, and doing it on Paint always makes me want to punch something.  Or...I am just inept with computers.


  1. I liked your name before but I love your new name!

  2. Lovely!
    And I think it's "Jill" you can be a Jill-of-all-trades.

  3. I like it. I was thinking of Jack in the sense of "knave", but if I think of it as "generic male name", Jill would make a perfect counterpart.

  4. You could probably use pic monkey, which is free to do a new header.

    1. I echo PicMonkey.Com -- I've used them to do headers before.

  5. I really like both the old and the new names! LOL about the "not extraordinary" life!
